Dog training

Dogs are individuals.  They have likes and dislikes, and they exhibit what behaviorists call response classes (i.e. groups of typical behaviors the dog is likely to perform when interacted with or given a command). In order to achieve success with all these different personalities, a training program must be flexible and adjustable to each individual.  In addition, since you and your dog work as a team (with you being the team leader, of course!) the training program must also fit in with your needs, schedule, and ability to handle your dog.

With this foundation in mind, we've been very successful with our obedience and manners training program—we tailor the dog's handling style and training to what you have planned for your dog, whether it's being a couch potato or becoming a canine athlete.

In addition to teaching your dog to be a good pet, we address behavioral issues like aggression, anxiety, housesoiling, and a host of other issues.  Bad behavior rarely arises overnight, but Geronimo Kennels, as part of your dog's team, can work with you to modify your canine's behavior—contact us today!

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